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Create A Loving Memory of the One You Love…

Honor Your Loved Ones with Dignity

Our staff understands that choosing the right memorial plaque might be a difficult yet an important decision. Our memorial plaques with full color photo are a respectful and an elegant resolution to the loss of a loved one. The addition of a photo incorporated in the memorial plaque can be the perfect touch that will hold your message and memory forever.

Memorial Plaque -Walnut Finish and Photo on Gold Metal

Memorial Plaque -Black Marble Finish and Photo on Silver Metal

Keep Their Memory Alive


“Really nice way to remember the ones you love in times that are tough.”

Tim J.

“A thoughtful memorial gift that was easy to create and personalized”

Anne B.

“The perfect memorial gift that I was able to customize with name and message”

Jane M.

We Deliver and Ship all over the Country!

Reach Us


1599 U.S. 9,
Keeseville, NY 12944


(518) 834-9205
[email protected]


M-F:  9am – 5pm
Sat: 9am – 2pm
Sun: Closed

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